Sunday, February 15, 2009

We have walls!!!

The framer decided to go ahead and start on our house on Thursday as there are several things on backorder at the other house he has been framing.  Thursday they came and drew all the lines and all the lumber was delivered.  By the end of the day Friday there was a skeleton of a house!

I went out Friday during lunch.  The neighborhood sign was up for our street.
And the good stuff!  This is what was done when I got there at noon (they started at 7am). 
These three big windows are in the family room.
This is the right side of the house, behind the garage.  I have highlighed the guest bedroom and utility room windows.
We went out again on Saturday (in the rain) to see what they finished Friday.  As you can see, there were much more walls up.  I suspect that by midweek I will be able to walk into each room on the first floor!

Moving right along now!

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