Monday, August 24, 2009

Moving... part 1

We moved out of our current house on Saturday.  After a week of hard core packing (plus all the boxes we packed when the house first went on the market), everything was boxed up and ready for the movers on Saturday morning.  It was a really long day of moving almost everything we own into storage.  The movers were SLLLLOOOOOOWWWWW which made it even worse.  But, by 4:30, the house was empty, the storage unit was packed and all our every day belongings were at Ryan's parents house.  We will be living there until the new house is ready... which is looking like early October!
I have new pictures of the progress at the house that have not made it from camera to computer yet.  I hope to do that one night this week.  Things change daily out there so there is a lot to update about.... granite, tile, lighting....

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